Fashionably late comment on now
former Illinois governor
Rod R. Blagojevich:Did anyone else spend all day watching Blagojevich's impeachment trial? It was the greatest thing I've seen since all the inauguration hoopla (so in a week). The creepo governor spent all week on a publicity tour instead of defending himself under oath at the trial, and then he showed up the very last day and made a big speech about what a great governor for the people he's been and how innocent and honorable he is. The guy's a convincing public speaker, albeit arrogant and delusional. Unfortunately for him, actions speak louder than words. Every single member of the Illinois state senate voted yes both to impeach him
and bar him from future public office. One member even switched up the roll call with an "absolutely!"
On a completely unrelated note on what's
not the bee's knees, I'm averaging only about one post a month. Don't impeach me.